Dag sju: Fyra saker som gör dig glad
1. Musik
2. Hästar
3. Sol
4. Vänner
2011-01-16 @ 19:06:55
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Dag sex: Fem saker du gillar att göra
1. Lyssna på musik
2. Äta
3. Sova
4. Tävla
5. Skratta
2011-01-15 @ 19:55:49
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Dag fem: Sex män du tycker är ursnygga
2011-01-14 @ 14:26:37
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Dag fyra: Sju saker du ofta tänker på
1. Musik
2. Hästar
3. Pojkar
4. Framtiden
5. Rädslor
6. Skolan
7. Doctor Who
2011-01-13 @ 12:35:53
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Dag tre - Åtta sätt att vinna ditt hjärta
1. Ha mörkt hår med typ lugg, haha
2. Lukta gott
3. Rör vid mig ofta
4. Ge mig komplimanger
5. Inte kritisera det jag tycker om
6. Vara intresserad av att veta vad jag tycker om
7. Vara lågmäld när det behövs
8. Vara kontaktbar
2. Lukta gott
3. Rör vid mig ofta
4. Ge mig komplimanger
5. Inte kritisera det jag tycker om
6. Vara intresserad av att veta vad jag tycker om
7. Vara lågmäld när det behövs
8. Vara kontaktbar
2011-01-12 @ 13:44:39
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Dag två: Nio saker om dig själv
1. Jag är en fangirl
2. Jag är kvällsmänniska
3. Jag älskar kyckling
4. Jag är inte modig
5. Jag vill vara modig
6. Jag föredrar att umgås med killar framför tjejer
7. Jag vill så mycket men kan så lite
8. Jag har aldrig haft ett förhållande
9. Jag har en bästa vän
2011-01-11 @ 23:04:56
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1. Se The Maine live
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Dag ett: Tio saker du vill göra innan du dör
1. Se The Maine live
2. Rida 1,40
3. Färga håret brunt
4. Lära känna fler trevliga människor
5. Åka till USA och England
6. Kyssas i regn
7. Tatuera mig
8. Flytta hemifrån
9. Vinna på lotto
10. Bli uppskattad
2011-01-10 @ 22:59:20
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Min mage tycker inte om mig. Värdelös dag, värdelööööst. Vad ska man göööra. Undrar på om det blir någon skola för mig imorgon, dubbelvikt är ju inget rekommenderat tillstånd. Skitliv. Bleh
2011-01-10 @ 19:01:07
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Kan man ta tillbaka meddelanden på Tumblr? :(
2010-12-05 @ 17:00:37
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2010-11-10 @ 22:55:25
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Jag älskar min header (bland annat)
I really do.
Vill försöka fixa bloggen lite mer, har ju varit såhär ett tag, men jag vill verkligen inte byta header. Den är så himla underbar, den första egengjorda som jag är nöjd med, typ. Den har ju någon sorts mening. Kärlek på den. Amagad, känslosamt, haha.
The Maine känns som mitt liv just nu, punkt. De betyder något så oerhört. Tokigt, men hejdlöst sant.
The Maine känns som mitt liv just nu, punkt. De betyder något så oerhört. Tokigt, men hejdlöst sant.
2010-11-05 @ 22:28:44
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Garrett's storebror följer min Tumblr
Well, this is awkward.
2010-11-01 @ 12:58:33
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Precis under armvecket, på insidan av underarmen. I det där typsnittet så gott det går. Tror att den här är prio ett just nu.
Precis under nacken, högst upp på ryggraden. Förstår ni vad jag menar. Den ska synas om man lyfter på håret. Inte i det där typsnittet men i något enkelt men stiligt kursivt.
Vad tycker ni? :)
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Precis under armvecket, på insidan av underarmen. I det där typsnittet så gott det går. Tror att den här är prio ett just nu.
Precis under nacken, högst upp på ryggraden. Förstår ni vad jag menar. Den ska synas om man lyfter på håret. Inte i det där typsnittet men i något enkelt men stiligt kursivt.
Vad tycker ni? :)
2010-10-13 @ 18:31:51
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Min högsta önskan just nu
.. är att åka över till England och se The Maine live. För det dröjer nog tills de kommer hit. Ahhh, why? Ni gör mig så frustrerad! :( Jag skojar inte när jag säger att jag har sådan enorm ångest över detta! Bara göra mig så otroligt olycklig sådär..

2010-09-27 @ 21:54:52
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Såhär känner jag mig just nu

Fan till världen. Kall och jävlig. Rätt emo just nu. Fryser och mår dåligt. Kan aldrig bli frisk och min kropp är bara fel på alla plan. Duntäcket är min bästa vän just nu. Min enda vän. Jag måste ut och rida. Orkar inte, blä.
Notera dock Ringaren i Notre Dame på mitt lakan.
2010-09-25 @ 14:17:09
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100 questions
01. starting time:
02. first name:
03. middle name:
04. birthday:
05. birthplace:
06. current place of residence:
07. height:
08. hair color:
09. hair length:
10. eye color:
11. boyfriend/girlfriend:
12. parents:
13. siblings:
14. best friends:
15. pets:
16. current time:
17. current date:
18. current location:
19. current mood:
20. current clothing:
21. current stomach contents:
22. current cravings:
23. current weather:
24. current music:
25. current online conversations:
26. current thoughts:
27. current annoyances:
28. current worries:
29. current wonders:
30. current wishes:
31. last person seen:
32. last instant message:
33. last phone call:
34. last number dialed:
35. last purchase:
36. last place visited:
37. last song:
38. last tv show:
39. last movie:
40. last movie seen in theatres:
41. last food:
42. last shower:
43. last bubble bath:
44. last swim:
45. last smoke:
46. last party:
47. last card filled out:
48. last sleepover:
49. last vacation:
50. last book:
51. last magazine:
52. last sleep:
53. last purchase:
54. last cry:
55. last laugh:
56. first memory:
57. first word:
58. first best friend:
59. first school:
60. first boy/girlfriend:
61. first kiss:
62. first favorite band:
63. first concert:
64. first job:
65. first sleepover:
66. first pet:
67. first house:
68. first bike:
69. first screen name:
70. favorite color:
71. favorite animal:
72. favorite food:
73. favorite beverage:
74. favorite singer/band:
75. favorite instrument:
76. favorite drug:
77. favorite movie:
78. favorite tv show:
79. favorite song:
80. favorite video game:
81. favorite month:
82. favorite day of the week:
83. favorite time of day:
84. favorite piece of jewelry:
85. favorite outfit:
86. favorite shoes:
87. favorite store:
88. favorite restaurant:
89. favorite number:
90. favorite relationship:
91. # of houses lived in:
92. # of bones ever broken:
93. # of website windows open:
94. # of screen names you've used:
95. # of cookies you've had today:
96.# of piercigs in your left ear:
97. # of times you've seen "the butterfly effect":
98. # of bands that start with "a" on your itunes:
99. # of tvs in your house:
100. # of surveys you've taken today:
01. starting time: 21:30
02. first name: Victoria
03. middle name: Linnea
04. birthday: May 22th
05. birthplace: Östersund
06. current place of residence: Ö Mårdsund 669
07. height: 165 cm
08. hair color: blonde
09. hair length: medium
10. eye color: blue
11. boyfriend/girlfriend: um, no.
12. parents: both, yes
13. siblings: little sister
14. best friends: Sandra Dalåsen
15. pets: five horses, one dog, cat and rabbit
16. current time: 21:32
17. current date: September 8th
18. current location: kitchen, mårdsund
19. current mood: happy
20. current clothing: Haha! Underwear and a shirt. Gonna hit the shower any second!
21. current stomach contents: Sandwich.
22. current cravings: Garrett. Sleep.
23. current weather: It's dark, so.
24. current music: You Left Me - The Maine
25. current online conversations: August Namnamnam Bergh on Facebook.
26. current thoughts: Oh.. About how much I love the Maine?
27. current annoyances: Haha, that I'm such a dreamer.
28. current worries: My life, as always.
29. current wonders: -
30. current wishes: Garrett, haha.
31. last person seen: Mom.
32. last instant message: Charlie Chaplin!
33. last phone call: Emil Wickström.
34. last number dialed: Dunno.
35. last purchase: A hot dog yesterday.
36. last place visited: The woods, the toilet, the stable, school.
37. last song: We'll all be.. - The Maine :')
38. last tv show: Don't watch TV anymore :(
39. last movie: Haven't watched a movie for ages!
40. last movie seen in theatres: Eclipse
41. last food: Sandwich.
42. last shower: Yesterday
43. last bubble bath: Loooong time ago.
44. last swim: Swam the ocean a couple of weeks ago.
45. last smoke: Never ever.
46. last party: We like to party!
47. last card filled out: -
48. last sleepover: long time ago too.
49. last vacation: Skåne?
50. last book: Still A Harlequin Novel ;)
51. last magazine: Seventeen Magazine.
52. last sleep: Last night.
53. last purchase: HOT DOG! :D
54. last cry: Every day. No.
55. last laugh: Today, watching Silent Library. A laugh of disgust.
56. first memory: No idea.
57. first word: Um. Don't remember.
58. first best friend: Laura.
59. first school: Hallen.
60. first boy/girlfriend: Haha, no way.
61. first kiss: -
62. first favorite band: Green Day.
63. first concert: Lordi, metal!
64. first job: Summer job.
65. first sleepover: Don't remember.
66. first pet: -
67. first house: I've always lived here.
68. first bike: -
69. first screen name: ?
70. favorite color: Purple.
71. favorite animal: Horse.
72. favorite food: Pasta, noodles, chicken.
73. favorite beverage: Coke, water, milk.
74. favorite singer/band: The Maine.
75. favorite instrument: Guitar.
76. favorite drug: Haha, what?
77. favorite movie: White Chicks and Gladiator.
78. favorite tv show: How I Met Your Mother, Inbetweeners.
79. favorite song: All of The Maine and All Time Low.
80. favorite video game: Don't play video games a lot.
81. favorite month: July.
82. favorite day of the week: Friday.
83. favorite time of day: Forenoon.
84. favorite piece of jewelry: Bracelets.
85. favorite outfit: My riding gear.
86. favorite shoes: Converse.
87. favorite store: Different.
88. favorite restaurant: Anything chinese/asian.
89. favorite number: 6
90. favorite relationship: Me and my horse. Don't have another relationship. But it's awesome! <3
91. # of houses lived in: 1.
92. # of bones ever broken: 1.
93. # of website windows open: 5. And Spotify. And Iron Man 2 rolling. And MSN.
94. # of screen names you've used: Still don't get the question.
95. # of cookies you've had today: ZERO. Fuck no :(
96.# of piercigs in your left ear: 0.
97. # of times you've seen "the butterfly effect": 0.
98. # of bands that start with "a" on your itunes: 7.
99. # of tvs in your house: 3.
100. # of surveys you've taken today: 1.
2010-09-10 @ 14:36:43
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Morfar kom med hostmedicin

2010-09-09 @ 15:26:47
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50 randoms
1. Are you wearing a hat?
2. Bottled water: yes or no?
3. Do you have a crush on someone right now?
4. What kind of laptop do you have?
5. Do you prefer writing in pen or pencil?
6. Who was the last text message in your phone from?
7. What’s your favorite season?
8. Does your best friend have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
9. Do you like them?
10. Favorite radio station?
11. Type your name into Google. What’s the first link that pops up?
12. What’s your favorite song at the moment?
13. Coke or Pepsi?
14. Favorite subject in school?
15. Last concert?
16. Next concert?
17. Last magazine you bought?
18. Last book you read?
19. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
20. Is there someone you want to punch right now?
21. Favorite sports team?
22. State you most want to visit?
23. Are you a MySpace addict?
24. When do you shower?
25. What’s your dream job?
26. What kind of car do you drive?
27. What word in the dictionary best describes you?
28. What’s your blog address?
29. Worst TV show at the moment?
30. Are you a better talker or better listener?
31. Do you care about who wins the election?
32. Who was the most popular kid in your 7th grade class?
33. Are you afraid of ghosts?
34. Is there something lacking in your life right now?
35. What do you miss most about childhood?
36. How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test?
37. How many kids do you want?
38. Are you a good liar?
39. Can you cook?
40. Are you a cheapskate?
41. What would you do with a million dollars?
42. Have you been to Disney World?
43. How much time do you spend online a week?
44. Last time you went bowling?
45. Hot or cold weather?
46. How many pairs of shoes do you have?
47. Are you a shop-a-holic?
48. Where were you yesterday morning at 10:30?
49. Are you afraid of the dentist?
50. Were you bored or entertained by this survey?
1. Are you wearing a hat? No
2. Bottled water: yes or no? Yeah. Without the carbonic though.
3. Do you have a crush on someone right now? ..yes :')
4. What kind of laptop do you have? A Compaq 615.
5. Do you prefer writing in pen or pencil? Don't get the question. Pen?
6. Who was the last text message in your phone from? Emil Wickström, about Charlie Chaplin.
7. What’s your favorite season? Summer
8. Does your best friend have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Yes! She's in an open relationship with me, according to Facebook.
9. Do you like them? I love myself.
10. Favorite radio station? Idobi Radio atm.
11. Type your name into Google. What’s the first link that pops up? "H.K.H. Kronprinsessan Victoria".
12. What’s your favorite song at the moment? We All Roll Along by The Maine.
13. Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
14. Favorite subject in school? None, haha. Perhaps, culture and idea history, if you put it that way. Or literature history.
15. Last concert? All Time Low <3
16. Next concert? Dunno.
17. Last magazine you bought? Kerrang!
18. Last book you read? A Harlequin Novel. Homework, haha!
19. Do you prefer cats or dogs? Like 'em both.
20. Is there someone you want to punch right now? Probably.
21. Favorite sports team? Liverpool FC.
22. State you most want to visit? Arizona ;) Or Kentucky, for the World Equestrian Games.
23. Are you a MySpace addict? Yeah, kinda.
24. When do you shower? Every day, before I go to bed.
25. What’s your dream job? Horses, jumping, cash. There you go!
26. What kind of car do you drive? A Subaru or a Golf. None of them my own of course.
27. What word in the dictionary best describes you? Awkward.
28. What’s your blog address? http://vickewoh.blogg.se
29. Worst TV show at the moment? Idol!
30. Are you a better talker or better listener? Depends on the situation. Listener probably.
31. Do you care about who wins the election? I am most likely a moderate, so yeah.
32. Who was the most popular kid in your 7th grade class? All of us were impopular.
33. Are you afraid of ghosts? Yes.
34. Is there something lacking in your life right now? Yes.
35. What do you miss most about childhood? All those non-expectations.
36. How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test? Haven't tried for it yet. A LOT, probably.
37. How many kids do you want? From zero to three.
38. Are you a good liar? Haha, no.
39. Can you cook? Can not say. I suck, mostly.
40. Are you a cheapskate? -
41. What would you do with a million dollars? Loads.
42. Have you been to Disney World? No :(
43. How much time do you spend online a week? Too much. ..of everything is too much.
44. Last time you went bowling? Long time ago.
45. Hot or cold weather? Cold. Between cold and hot. None of them.
46. How many pairs of shoes do you have? Not that much, probably around ten.
47. Are you a shop-a-holic? I would be, if I had money.
48. Where were you yesterday morning at 10:30? In school.
49. Are you afraid of the dentist? No.
50. Were you bored or entertained by this survey? Entertainted, thank you and good night!
2010-09-08 @ 21:23:55
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Fel eller inte?
Har varit utan i-pod idag, så skyndade mig hem från bussen för att sätta på Spotify. Var nämligen riktigt gråtfärdig av längtan efter The Maine. Black & White går återigen, om och om igen. ♥